Source code for sirepo.exporter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
u"""Export simulations in a single archive

:copyright: Copyright (c) 2017 RadiaSoft LLC.  All Rights Reserved.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from pykern.pkdebug import pkdp
import os.path
import py.path
import zipfile

[docs]def create_archive(sim_type, sim_id, filename): """Zip up the json file and its dependencies Args: sim_type (str): simulation type sim_id (str): simulation id filename (str): for file type Returns: py.path.Local: zip file name """ from pykern import pkio from sirepo import uri_router if not pkio.has_file_extension(filename, ('zip', 'html')): raise uri_router.NotFound( '{}: unknown file type; expecting html or zip', filename, ) want_zip = filename.endswith('zip') fp, data = _create_zip(sim_type, sim_id, want_python=want_zip) if want_zip: return fp, 'application/zip' return _create_html(fp, data)
def _create_html(zip_path, data): """Convert zip to html data Args: zip_path (py.path): what to embed data (dict): simulation db Returns: py.path, str: file and mime type """ from pykern import pkjinja from pykern import pkcollections from sirepo import uri_router from sirepo import simulation_db import py.path import copy # Use same tmp directory fp = py.path.local(zip_path.dirname).join(zip_path.purebasename) + '.html' values = pkcollections.Dict(data=data) values.uri = uri_router.uri_for_api('importArchive', external=False) values.server = uri_router.uri_for_api('importArchive')[:-len(values.uri)] sc = simulation_db.SCHEMA_COMMON values.appLongName = sc.appInfo[data.simulationType].longName values.appShortName = sc.appInfo[data.simulationType].shortName values.productLongName = sc.productInfo.longName values.productShortName = sc.productInfo.shortName ='base64') with open(str(fp), 'wb') as f: fp.write(pkjinja.render_resource('archive.html', values)) return fp, 'text/html' def _create_zip(sim_type, sim_id, want_python): """Zip up the json file and its dependencies Args: sim_type (str): simulation type sim_id (str): simulation id want_python (bool): include template's python source? Returns: py.path.Local: zip file name """ from pykern import pkio from sirepo import simulation_db from sirepo.template import template_common #TODO(robnagler) need a lock with pkio.save_chdir(simulation_db.tmp_dir()): res = py.path.local(sim_id + '.zip') data = simulation_db.open_json_file(sim_type, sid=sim_id) if 'report' in data: del data['report'] files = template_common.lib_files(data) files.insert(0, simulation_db.sim_data_file(data.simulationType, sim_id)) if want_python: files.append(_python(data)) with zipfile.ZipFile( str(res), mode='w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=True, ) as z: for f in files: z.write(str(f), f.basename) return res, data def _python(data): """Generate python in current directory Args: data (dict): simulation Returns: py.path.Local: file to append """ import sirepo.template import copy template = sirepo.template.import_module(data) res = py.path.local('') res.write(template.python_source_for_model(copy.deepcopy(data), None)) return res