Source code for sirepo.feature_config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
u"""List of features available

:copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 RadiaSoft LLC.  All Rights Reserved.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from pykern.pkdebug import pkdp
from pykern import pkconfig
from pykern import pkcollections
import copy

#: Codes on test and prod
_NON_DEV_CODES = ('srw', 'warppba', 'elegant', 'shadow', 'hellweg', 'warpvnd', 'rs4pi', 'jspec', 'synergia')

_DEV_CODES = ('myapp', 'adm', 'zgoubi')

#: All possible codes

#: Configuration
cfg = None

[docs]def for_sim_type(sim_type): """Get cfg for simulation type Args: sim_type (str): srw, warppba, etc. Returns: dict: application specific config """ if sim_type not in cfg: return {} return pkcollections.map_to_dict(cfg[sim_type])
@pkconfig.parse_none def _cfg_sim_types(value): res = pkconfig.parse_tuple(value) if not res: return _codes() for c in res: assert c in _codes(), \ 'invalid sim_type={}, expected one of={}'.format(c, _codes()) return res def _codes(want_all=pkconfig.channel_in('dev')): return _ALL_CODES if want_all else _NON_DEV_CODES cfg = pkconfig.init( api_modules=((), tuple, 'optional api modules, e.g. bluesky'), #TODO(robnagler) make sim_type config rs4pi_dose_calc=(False, bool, 'run the real dose calculator'), sim_types=(None, _cfg_sim_types, 'simulation types (codes) to be imported'), srw=dict( mask_in_toolbar=(pkconfig.channel_in_internal_test(), bool, 'Show the mask element in toolbar'), ), warpvnd=dict( allow_3d_mode=(pkconfig.channel_in_internal_test(), bool, 'Include 3D features in the Warp VND UI'), display_test_boxes=(pkconfig.channel_in_internal_test(), bool, 'Display test boxes to visualize 3D -> 2D projections'), ), )