Source code for sirepo.simulation_db

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
u"""Simulation database

:copyright: Copyright (c) 2015 RadiaSoft LLC.  All Rights Reserved.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from pykern import pkcollections
from pykern import pkconfig
from pykern import pkinspect
from pykern import pkio
from pykern import pkresource
from pykern.pkdebug import pkdc, pkdexc, pkdlog, pkdp
from sirepo import cookie
from sirepo import feature_config
from sirepo import util
from sirepo.template import template_common
import copy
import datetime
import errno
import glob
import json
import numconv
import os
import os.path
import py
import random
import re
import sirepo.template
import threading
import time
import werkzeug.exceptions

#: Json files
JSON_SUFFIX = '.json'

#: Schema common values, e.g. version

#: Simulation file name is globally unique to avoid collisions with simulation output

#: The root of the pkresource tree (package_data)
RESOURCE_FOLDER = pkio.py_path(pkresource.filename(''))

#: Where server files and static files are found

#: Verify ID
_IS_PARALLEL_RE = re.compile('animation', re.IGNORECASE)

#: How to find examples in resources
_EXAMPLE_DIR = 'examples'

#: Valid characters in ID
_ID_CHARS = numconv.BASE62

#: length of ID
_ID_LEN = 8

#: Relative regexp from ID_Name
_ID_PARTIAL_RE_STR = '[{}]{{{}}}'.format(_ID_CHARS, _ID_LEN)

#: Verify ID
_ID_RE = re.compile('^{}$'.format(_ID_PARTIAL_RE_STR))

#: where users live under db_dir
_LIB_DIR = 'lib'

#: lib relative to sim_dir
_REL_LIB_DIR = '../' + _LIB_DIR

#: Older than any other version
_OLDEST_VERSION = '20140101.000001'

#: Matches cancelation errors in run_log: KeyboardInterrupt probably only happens in dev
_RUN_LOG_CANCEL_RE = re.compile(r'^KeyboardInterrupt$', flags=re.MULTILINE)

#: Cache of schemas keyed by app name

#: Status file name
_STATUS_FILE = 'status'

#: created under dir
_TMP_DIR = 'tmp'

#: where users live under db_dir
_USER_ROOT_DIR = 'user'

#: Flask app (init() must be called to set this)
_app = None

#: Use to assert _serial_new result. Not perfect but good enough to avoid common problems
_serial_prev = 0

#: Locking for global operations like serial, user moves, etc.
_global_lock = threading.RLock()

#: configuration
cfg = None

[docs]class CopyRedirect(Exception): def __init__(self, resp): super(CopyRedirect, self).__init__() self.sr_response = resp
[docs]def app_version(): """Force the version to be dynamic if running in dev channel Returns: str: chronological version """ if pkconfig.channel_in('dev'): return _timestamp() return SCHEMA_COMMON.version
[docs]def celery_queue(data): """Which queue to execute simulation in Args: data (dict): simulation parameters Returns: str: celery queue name """ from sirepo import celery_tasks return celery_tasks.queue_name(is_parallel(data))
[docs]def default_data(sim_type): """New simulation base data Args: sim_type (str): simulation type Returns: dict: simulation data """ return open_json_file( sim_type, path=template_common.resource_dir(sim_type).join( 'default-data{}'.format(JSON_SUFFIX), ), )
[docs]def delete_simulation(simulation_type, sid): """Deletes the simulation's directory. """ pkio.unchecked_remove(simulation_dir(simulation_type, sid))
[docs]def examples(app): files = pkio.walk_tree( template_common.resource_dir(app).join(_EXAMPLE_DIR), re.escape(JSON_SUFFIX) + '$', ) #TODO(robnagler) Need to update examples statically before build # and assert on build # example data is not fixed-up to avoid performance problems when searching examples by name # fixup occurs during save_new_example() return [open_json_file(app, path=str(f), fixup=False) for f in files]
[docs]def find_global_simulation(sim_type, sid, checked=False): paths = pkio.sorted_glob(user_dir_name().join('*', sim_type, sid)) if len(paths) == 1: return str(paths[0]) if len(paths) == 0: if checked: util.raise_not_found( '{}/{}: global simulation not found', sim_type, sid, ) return None util.raise_not_found( '{}: more than one path found for simulation={}/{}', paths, sim_type, sid, )
[docs]def fixup_old_data(data, force=False): """Upgrade data to latest schema and updates version. Args: data (dict): to be updated (destructively) force (bool): force validation Returns: dict: upgraded `data` bool: True if data changed """ try: if not force and 'version' in data and data.version == SCHEMA_COMMON.version: return data, False try: data.fixup_old_version = data.version except AttributeError: data.fixup_old_version = _OLDEST_VERSION data.version = SCHEMA_COMMON.version if 'simulationType' not in data: if 'sourceIntensityReport' in data.models: data.simulationType = 'srw' elif 'fieldAnimation' in data.models: data.simulationType = 'warppba' elif 'bunchSource' in data.models: data.simulationType = 'elegant' else: pkdlog('simulationType: not found; data={}', data) raise AssertionError('must have simulationType') elif data.simulationType == 'warp': data.simulationType = 'warppba' elif data.simulationType == 'fete': data.simulationType = 'warpvnd' if 'simulationSerial' not in data.models.simulation: data.models.simulation.simulationSerial = 0 sirepo.template.import_module(data.simulationType).fixup_old_data(data) pkcollections.unchecked_del(data.models, 'simulationStatus') pkcollections.unchecked_del(data, 'fixup_old_version') return data, True except Exception as e: pkdlog('{}: error: {}', data, pkdexc()) raise
[docs]def get_schema(sim_type): if sim_type in _SCHEMA_CACHE: return _SCHEMA_CACHE[sim_type] schema = read_json( STATIC_FOLDER.join('json/{}-schema'.format(sim_type))) pkcollections.mapping_merge(schema, SCHEMA_COMMON) pkcollections.mapping_merge( schema, {'feature_config': feature_config.for_sim_type(sim_type)}, ) schema.simulationType = sim_type _SCHEMA_CACHE[sim_type] = schema #TODO(mvk): improve merging common and local schema _merge_dicts(schema.common.dynamicFiles, schema.dynamicFiles) schema.dynamicModules = _files_in_schema(schema.dynamicFiles) for item in ['appModes', 'constants', 'cookies', 'enum', 'notifications', 'localRoutes', 'model', 'view']: if item not in schema: schema[item] = pkcollections.Dict() _merge_dicts(schema.common[item], schema[item]) _validate_schema(schema) return schema
[docs]def init_by_server(app): """Avoid circular import by explicit call from `sirepo.server`. Args: app (Flask): flask instance """ global _app _app = app
[docs]def is_parallel(data): """Is this report a parallel (long) simulation? Args: data (dict): report and models Returns: bool: True if parallel job """ return bool(
[docs]def generate_json(data, pretty=False): """Convert data to JSON to be send back to client Use only for responses. Use `:func:write_json` to save. Args: data (dict): what to format pretty (bool): pretty print [False] Returns: str: formatted data """ if pretty: return json.dumps(data, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=True, allow_nan=False) return json.dumps(data, allow_nan=False)
[docs]def hack_nfs_write_status(status, run_dir): """Verify status file exists before writing. NFS doesn't propagate files immediately so there is a race condition when the celery worker starts. This file handles this case. Args: status (str): pending, running, completed, canceled run_dir (py.path): where to write the file """ fn = run_dir.join(_STATUS_FILE) for i in range(cfg.nfs_tries): if fn.check(file=True): break time.sleep(cfg.nfs_sleep) # Try once always pkio.write_text(fn, status)
[docs]def iterate_simulation_datafiles(simulation_type, op, search=None): res = [] sim_dir = simulation_dir(simulation_type) for path in glob.glob( str(sim_dir.join('*', SIMULATION_DATA_FILE)), ): path = py.path.local(path) try: data = open_json_file(simulation_type, path, fixup=False) data, changed = fixup_old_data(data) # save changes to avoid re-applying fixups on each iteration if changed: #TODO(pjm): validate_name may causes infinite recursion, need better fixup of list prior to iteration save_simulation_json(data, do_validate=False) if search and not _search_data(data, search): continue op(res, path, data) except ValueError as e: pkdlog('{}: error: {}', path, e) return res
[docs]def job_id(data): """A Job is a simulation and report name. A jid is words and dashes. Args: data (dict): extract sid and report Returns: str: unique name """ return '{}-{}-{}'.format( cookie.get_user(), data.simulationId,, )
[docs]def json_filename(filename, run_dir=None): """Append JSON_SUFFIX if necessary and convert to str Args: filename (py.path or str): to convert run_dir (py.path): which directory to joing Returns: py.path: filename.json """ filename = str(filename) if not filename.endswith(JSON_SUFFIX): filename += JSON_SUFFIX if run_dir and not os.path.isabs(filename): filename = run_dir.join(filename) return py.path.local(filename)
[docs]def json_load(*args, **kwargs): return pkcollections.json_load_any(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def lib_dir_from_sim_dir(sim_dir): """Path to lib dir from simulation dir Args: sim_dir (py.path): simulation dir Return: py.path: directory name """ return sim_dir.join(_REL_LIB_DIR)
[docs]def move_user_simulations(to_uid): """Moves all non-example simulations for the current session into the target user's dir. """ from_uid = cookie.get_user() with _global_lock: for path in glob.glob( str(user_dir_name(from_uid).join('*', '*', SIMULATION_DATA_FILE)), ): data = read_json(path) sim = data['models']['simulation'] if 'isExample' in sim and sim['isExample']: continue dir_path = os.path.dirname(path) new_dir_path = dir_path.replace(from_uid, to_uid) pkdlog('{} -> {}', dir_path, new_dir_path) pkio.mkdir_parent(new_dir_path) os.rename(dir_path, new_dir_path)
[docs]def open_json_file(sim_type, path=None, sid=None, fixup=True): """Read a db file and return result Args: sim_type (str): simulation type (app) path (py.path.local): where to read the file sid (str): simulation id Returns: dict: data Raises: CopyRedirect: if the simulation is in another user's """ if not path: path = sim_data_file(sim_type, sid) if not os.path.isfile(str(path)): global_sid = None if sid: #TODO(robnagler) workflow should be in, # because only valid in one case, not e.g. for opening examples # which are not found. user_copy_sid = _find_user_simulation_copy(sim_type, sid) if find_global_simulation(sim_type, sid): global_sid = sid if global_sid: raise CopyRedirect({ 'redirect': { 'simulationId': global_sid, 'userCopySimulationId': user_copy_sid, }, }) util.raise_not_found( '{}/{}: global simulation not found', sim_type, sid, ) data = None try: with open(str(path)) as f: data = json_load(f) # ensure the simulationId matches the path if sid: data['models']['simulation']['simulationId'] = _sid_from_path(path) except Exception as e: pkdlog('{}: error: {}', path, pkdexc()) raise return fixup_old_data(data)[0] if fixup else data
[docs]def parse_sid(data): """Extract id from data Args: data (dict): models or request Returns: str: simulationId from data """ try: return str(data['simulationId']) except KeyError: return str(data['models']['simulation']['simulationId'])
[docs]def parse_sim_ser(data): """Extract simulationStatus from data Args: data (dict): models or request Returns: int: simulationSerial """ try: return int(data['simulationSerial']) except KeyError: try: return int(data['models']['simulation']['simulationSerial']) except KeyError: return None
[docs]def poll_seconds(data): """Client poll period for simulation status TODO(robnagler) needs to be encapsulated Args: data (dict): must container report name Returns: int: number of seconds to poll """ return 2 if is_parallel(data) else 1
[docs]def prepare_simulation(data): """Create and install files, update parameters, and generate command. Copies files into the simulation directory (``run_dir``). Updates the parameters in ``data`` and save. Generate the pkcli command to pass to task runner. Args: data (dict): report and model parameters Returns: list, py.path: pkcli command, simulation directory """ run_dir = simulation_run_dir(data, remove_dir=True) #TODO(robnagler) create a lock_dir -- what node/pid/thread to use? # probably can only do with celery. pkio.mkdir_parent(run_dir) write_status('pending', run_dir) sim_type = data['simulationType'] sid = parse_sid(data) template = sirepo.template.import_module(data) template_common.copy_lib_files(data, None, run_dir) write_json(run_dir.join(template_common.INPUT_BASE_NAME), data) #TODO(robnagler) encapsulate in template is_p = is_parallel(data) template.write_parameters( data, run_dir=run_dir, is_parallel=is_p, ) cmd = [ pkinspect.root_package(template), pkinspect.module_basename(template), 'run-background' if is_p else 'run', str(run_dir), ] return cmd, run_dir
[docs]def process_simulation_list(res, path, data): sim = data['models']['simulation'] res.append({ 'simulationId': _sid_from_path(path), 'name': sim['name'], 'folder': sim['folder'], 'last_modified': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( os.path.getmtime(str(path)) ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), 'isExample': sim['isExample'] if 'isExample' in sim else False, 'simulation': sim, })
[docs]def read_json(filename): """Read data from json file Args: filename (py.path or str): will append JSON_SUFFIX if necessary Returns: object: json converted to python """ with open(str(json_filename(filename))) as f: return json_load(f)
[docs]def read_result(run_dir): """Read result data file from simulation Args: run_dir (py.path): where to find output Returns: dict: result or describes error """ fn = json_filename(template_common.OUTPUT_BASE_NAME, run_dir) res = None err = None try: res = read_json(fn) except Exception as e: pkdc('{}: exception={}', fn, e) err = pkdexc() if pkio.exception_is_not_found(e): #TODO(robnagler) change POSIT matches _SUBPROCESS_ERROR_RE err = 'ERROR: Terminated unexpectedly' # Not found so return run.log as err rl = run_dir.join(template_common.RUN_LOG) try: e = pkio.read_text(rl) if err = None elif e: err = e except Exception as e: if not pkio.exception_is_not_found(e): pkdlog('{}: error reading log: {}', rl, pkdexc()) else: pkdlog('{}: error reading output: {}', fn, err) if err: return None, err if not res: res = {} if 'state' not in res: # Old simulation or other error, just say is canceled so restarts res = {'state': 'canceled'} return res, None
[docs]def read_simulation_json(sim_type, *args, **kwargs): """Calls `open_json_file` and fixes up data, possibly saving Args: sim_type (str): simulation type Returns: data (dict): simulation data """ data = open_json_file(sim_type, fixup=False, *args, **kwargs) new, changed = fixup_old_data(data) if changed: return save_simulation_json(new) return data
[docs]def read_status(run_dir): """Read status from simulation dir Args: run_dir (py.path): where to read """ try: return pkio.read_text(run_dir.join(_STATUS_FILE)) except IOError as e: if pkio.exception_is_not_found(e): # simulation may never have been run return 'stopped' return 'error'
[docs]def report_info(data): """Read the run_dir and return cached_data. Only a hit if the models between data and cache match exactly. Otherwise, return cached data if it's there and valid. Args: data (dict): parameters identifying run_dir and models or reportParametersHash Returns: Dict: report parameters and hashes """ # Sets data['reportParametersHash'] rep = pkcollections.Dict( cache_hit=False, cached_data=None, cached_hash=None, job_id=job_id(data), model_name=_report_name(data), parameters_changed=False, run_dir=simulation_run_dir(data), ) rep.input_file = json_filename(template_common.INPUT_BASE_NAME, rep.run_dir) rep.job_status = read_status(rep.run_dir) rep.req_hash = template_common.report_parameters_hash(data) if not rep.run_dir.check(): return rep #TODO(robnagler) Lock try: cd = read_json(rep.input_file) rep.cached_hash = template_common.report_parameters_hash(cd) rep.cached_data = cd if rep.req_hash == rep.cached_hash: rep.cache_hit = True return rep rep.parameters_changed = True except IOError as e: pkdlog('{}: ignore IOError: {} errno={}', rep.run_dir, e, e.errno) except Exception as e: pkdlog('{}: ignore other error: {}', rep.run_dir, e) # No idea if cache is valid or not so throw away return rep
[docs]def save_new_example(data): data.models.simulation.isExample = True return save_new_simulation(fixup_old_data(data)[0], do_validate=False)
[docs]def save_new_simulation(data, do_validate=True): d = simulation_dir(data.simulationType) sid = _random_id(d, data.simulationType).id data.models.simulation.simulationId = sid return save_simulation_json(data, do_validate=do_validate)
[docs]def save_simulation_json(data, do_validate=True): """Prepare data and save to json db Args: data (dict): what to write (contains simulationId) """ try: # Never save this #TODO(robnagler) have "_private" fields that don't get saved del data['simulationStatus'] except Exception: pass data = fixup_old_data(data)[0] s = data.models.simulation fn = sim_data_file(data.simulationType, s.simulationId) with _global_lock: need_validate = True try: # OPTIMIZATION: If folder/name same, avoid reading entire folder on_disk = read_json(fn).models.simulation need_validate = not ( on_disk.folder == s.folder and == ) except Exception: pass if need_validate and do_validate: _validate_name(data) _validate_fields(data) s.simulationSerial = _serial_new() write_json(fn, data) return data
[docs]def sim_data_file(sim_type, sim_id): """Simulation data file name Args: sim_type (str): simulation type sim_id (str): simulation id Returns: py.path.local: simulation path """ return simulation_dir(sim_type, sim_id).join(SIMULATION_DATA_FILE)
[docs]def simulation_dir(simulation_type, sid=None): """Generates simulation directory from sid and simulation_type Args: simulation_type (str): srw, warppba, ... sid (str): simulation id (optional) """ d = _user_dir().join(sirepo.template.assert_sim_type(simulation_type)) if not sid: return d if not raise RuntimeError('{}: invalid simulation id'.format(sid)) return d.join(sid)
[docs]def simulation_lib_dir(simulation_type): """String name for user library dir Args: simulation_type: which app is this for Return: py.path: directory name """ return simulation_dir(simulation_type).join(_LIB_DIR)
[docs]def simulation_run_dir(data, remove_dir=False): """Where to run the simulation Args: data (dict): contains simulationType and simulationId remove_dir (bool): remove the directory [False] Returns: py.path: directory to run """ d = simulation_dir(data['simulationType'], parse_sid(data)).join(_report_dir(data)) if remove_dir: pkio.unchecked_remove(d) return d
[docs]def static_libs(): return _files_in_schema(SCHEMA_COMMON.common.staticFiles)
[docs]def static_file_path(file_dir, file_name): """Absolute path to a static file For requesting static files (hence a public interface) Args: file_dir (str): directory in package_data/static file_name (str): name of the file Returns: py.path: absolute path of the file """ return STATIC_FOLDER.join(file_dir).join(file_name)
[docs]def tmp_dir(): """Generates new, temporary directory Returns: py.path: directory to use for temporary work """ d = _random_id(_user_dir().join(_TMP_DIR))['path'] pkio.unchecked_remove(d) return pkio.mkdir_parent(d)
[docs]def uid_from_dir_name(dir_name): """Extra user id from user_dir_name Args: dir_name (py.path): must be top level user dir or sim_dir Return: str: user id """ r = re.compile( r'^{}/({})(?:$|/)'.format( re.escape(str(user_dir_name())), _ID_PARTIAL_RE_STR, ), ) m = assert m, \ '{}: invalid user or sim dir; did not match re={}'.format( dir_name, r.pattern, ) return
[docs]def user_dir_name(uid=None): """String name for user name Args: uid (str): properly formated user name (optional) Return: py.path: directory name """ d = _app.sirepo_db_dir.join(_USER_ROOT_DIR) if not uid: return d return d.join(uid)
[docs]def validate_serial(req_data): """Verify serial in data validates Args: req_data (dict): request with serial and possibly models Returns: object: None if all ok, or json response (bad) """ with _global_lock: sim_type = sirepo.template.assert_sim_type(req_data['simulationType']) sid = parse_sid(req_data) req_ser = req_data['models']['simulation']['simulationSerial'] curr = read_simulation_json(sim_type, sid=sid) curr_ser = curr['models']['simulation']['simulationSerial'] if not req_ser is None: if req_ser == curr_ser: return None status = 'newer' if req_ser > curr_ser else 'older' pkdlog( '{}: incoming serial {} than stored serial={} sid={}, resetting client', req_ser, status, curr_ser, sid, ) return curr
[docs]def verify_app_directory(simulation_type): """Ensure the app directory is present. If not, create it and add example files. """ d = simulation_dir(simulation_type) if d.exists(): return _create_example_and_lib_files(simulation_type)
[docs]def write_json(filename, data): """Write data as json to filename Args: filename (py.path or str): will append JSON_SUFFIX if necessary """ with open(str(json_filename(filename)), 'w') as f: f.write(generate_json(data, pretty=True))
[docs]def write_result(result, run_dir=None): """Write simulation result to standard output. Args: result (dict): will set state to completed run_dir (py.path): Defaults to current dir """ if not run_dir: run_dir = py.path.local() fn = json_filename(template_common.OUTPUT_BASE_NAME, run_dir) if fn.exists(): # Don't overwrite first written file, because first write is # closest to the reason is stopped (e.g. canceled) return result.setdefault('state', 'completed') write_json(fn, result) write_status(result['state'], run_dir) input_file = json_filename(template_common.INPUT_BASE_NAME, run_dir) if input_file.exists(): template = sirepo.template.import_module(read_json(input_file)) if hasattr(template, 'clean_run_dir'): template.clean_run_dir(run_dir)
[docs]def write_status(status, run_dir): """Write status to simulation Args: status (str): pending, running, completed, canceled run_dir (py.path): where to write the file """ pkio.write_text(run_dir.join(_STATUS_FILE), status)
def _create_example_and_lib_files(simulation_type): d = simulation_dir(simulation_type) pkio.mkdir_parent(d) for s in examples(simulation_type): save_new_example(s) d = simulation_lib_dir(simulation_type) pkio.mkdir_parent(d) template = sirepo.template.import_module(simulation_type) if hasattr(template, 'resource_files'): for f in template.resource_files(): #TODO(pjm): symlink has problems in containers # d.join(f.basename).mksymlinkto(f) f.copy(d) def _files_in_schema(schema): """Relative paths of local and external files of the given load and file type listed in the schema The order matters for javascript files Args: schema (pkcollections.Dict): schema (or portion thereof) to inspect Returns: str: combined list of local and external file paths, mapped by type """ paths = pkcollections.Dict() for source, path in (('externalLibs', 'ext'), ('sirepoLibs', '')): for file_type in schema[source]: if file_type not in paths: paths[file_type] = [] paths[file_type].extend(map(lambda file_name: _pkg_relative_path_static(file_type + '/' + path, file_name), schema[source][file_type])) return paths def _find_user_simulation_copy(simulation_type, sid): rows = iterate_simulation_datafiles(simulation_type, process_simulation_list, { 'simulation.outOfSessionSimulationId': sid, }) if len(rows): return rows[0]['simulationId'] return None def _init(): global SCHEMA_COMMON, cfg fn = STATIC_FOLDER.join('json/schema-common{}'.format(JSON_SUFFIX)) with open(str(fn)) as f: SCHEMA_COMMON = json_load(f) # In development, you can touch schema-common to get a new version SCHEMA_COMMON.version = _timestamp(fn.mtime()) if pkconfig.channel_in('dev') else sirepo.__version__ cfg = pkconfig.init( nfs_tries=(10, int, 'How many times to poll in hack_nfs_write_status'), nfs_sleep=(0.5, float, 'Seconds sleep per hack_nfs_write_status poll'), ) def _merge_dicts(base, derived, depth=-1): """Copy the items in the base dictionary into the derived dictionary, to the specified depth Args: base (dict): source derived (dict): receiver depth (int): how deep to recurse: >= 0: <depth> levels < 0: all the way """ if depth == 0: return for key in base: # Items with the same name are not replaced if key not in derived: derived[key] = base[key] else: try: derived[key].extend(x for x in base[key] if x not in derived[key]) except AttributeError: # The value was not an array pass try: _merge_dicts(base[key], derived[key], depth - 1 if depth > 0 else depth) except TypeError: # The value in question is not itself a dict, move on pass def _pkg_relative_path_static(file_dir, file_name): """Path to a file under /static, relative to the package_data directory Args: file_dir (str): sub-directory of package_data/static file_name (str): name of the file Returns: str: full relative path of the file """ return '/' + RESOURCE_FOLDER.bestrelpath(static_file_path(file_dir, file_name)) def _random_id(parent_dir, simulation_type=None): """Create a random id in parent_dir Args: parent_dir (py.path): where id should be unique Returns: dict: id (str) and path (py.path) """ pkio.mkdir_parent(parent_dir) r = random.SystemRandom() # Generate cryptographically secure random string for _ in range(5): i = ''.join(r.choice(_ID_CHARS) for x in range(_ID_LEN)) if simulation_type: if find_global_simulation(simulation_type, i): continue d = parent_dir.join(i) try: os.mkdir(str(d)) return pkcollections.Dict(id=i, path=d) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass raise raise RuntimeError('{}: failed to create unique directory'.format(parent_dir)) def _report_dir(data): """Return the report execution directory name. Allows multiple models to get data from same simulation run. """ template = sirepo.template.import_module(data) if hasattr(template, 'simulation_dir_name'): return template.simulation_dir_name(_report_name(data)) return _report_name(data) def _report_name(data): """Extract report name from data Args: data (dict): passed in params Returns: str: name of the report requested in the data """ return data['report'] def _search_data(data, search): for field, expect in search.items(): path = field.split('.') if len(path) == 1: #TODO(robnagler) is this a bug? Why would you supply a search path # value that didn't want to be searched. continue path.insert(0, 'models') v = data for key in path: if key in v: v = v[key] if v != expect: return False return True def _serial_new(): """Generate a serial number Serial numbers are 16 digits (time represented in microseconds since epoch) which are always less than Javascript's Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (9007199254740991=2*53-1). Timestamps are not guaranteed to be sequential. If the system clock is adjusted, we'll throw an exception here. """ global _serial_prev res = int(time.time() * 1000000) with _global_lock: # Good enough assertion. Any collisions will also be detected # by parameter hash so order isn't only validation assert res > _serial_prev, \ '{}: serial did not increase: prev={}'.format(res, _serial_prev) _serial_prev = res return res def _sid_from_path(path): sid = os.path.split(os.path.split(str(path))[0])[1] if not raise RuntimeError('{}: invalid simulation id'.format(sid)) return sid def _timestamp(time=None): if not time: time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() elif not isinstance(time, datetime.datetime): time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time) return time.strftime('%Y%m%d.%H%M%S') def _user_dir(): """User for the session Returns: str: unique id for user from flask session """ uid = cookie.get_user(checked=False) if not uid: uid = _user_dir_create() d = user_dir_name(uid) if d.check(): return d # flask session might have been deleted (in dev) so "logout" and "login" uid = _user_dir_create() return user_dir_name(uid) def _user_dir_create(): """Create a user and initialize the directory Returns: str: New user id """ uid = _random_id(user_dir_name())['id'] # Must set before calling simulation_dir cookie.set_user(uid) for simulation_type in feature_config.cfg.sim_types: _create_example_and_lib_files(simulation_type) return uid def _validate_enum(val, sch_field_info, sch_enums): """Ensure the value of an enum field is one listed in the schema Args: val: enum value to validate sch_field_info ([str]): field info array from schema sch_enums (pkcollections.Dict): enum section of the schema """ type = sch_field_info[1] if not type in sch_enums: return if str(val) not in map(lambda enum: str(enum[0]), sch_enums[type]): raise AssertionError(util.err(sch_enums, 'enum value {} not in schema', val)) def _is_enum(sch_field_info, sch_enums): return def _validate_cookie_def(c_def): """Validate the cookie definitions in the schema Validations performed: cannot contain delimiters we use on the client side values must match the valType if provided timeout must be numeric if provided Args: data (pkcollections.Dict): cookie definition object from the schema """ c_delims = '|:;=' c_delim_re = re.compile('[{}]'.format(c_delims)) if + str(c_def.value)): raise AssertionError(util.err(c_def, 'cookie name/value cannot include delimiters {}', c_delims)) if 'valType' in c_def: if c_def.valType == 'b': pkconfig.parse_bool(c_def.value) if c_def.valType == 'n': float(c_def.value) if 'timeout' in c_def: float(c_def.timeout) def _validate_fields(data): """Validate the values of the fields in model data Validations performed: enums (see _validate_enum) numeric values (see _validate_number) notifications cookie definitions (see _validate_cookie_def) Args: data (pkcollections.Dict): model data """ schema = get_schema(data.simulationType) sch_models = schema.model sch_enums = schema.enum for model_name in data.models: if model_name not in sch_models: continue sch_model = sch_models[model_name] model_data = data.models[model_name] for field_name in model_data: if field_name not in sch_model: continue val = model_data[field_name] if val == '': continue sch_field_info = sch_model[field_name] _validate_enum(val, sch_field_info, sch_enums) _validate_number(val, sch_field_info) def _validate_name(data): """Validate and if necessary uniquify name Args: data (dict): what to validate """ starts_with = pkcollections.Dict() s = data.models.simulation n = for d in iterate_simulation_datafiles( data.simulationType, lambda res, _, d: res.append(d), {'simulation.folder': s.folder}, ): n2 = if n2.startswith(n) and d.models.simulation.simulationId != s.simulationId: starts_with[n2] = d.models.simulation.simulationId if n in starts_with: _validate_name_uniquify(data, starts_with) def _validate_name_uniquify(data, starts_with): """Uniquify""" i = 2 n = n2 = n while n2 in starts_with: n2 = n + ' ({})'.format(i) i += 1 = n2 def _validate_number(val, sch_field_info): """Ensure the value of a numeric field falls within the supplied limits (if any) Args: val: numeric value to validate sch_field_info ([str]): field info array from schema """ if len(sch_field_info) <= 4: return try: fv = float(val) fmin = float(sch_field_info[4]) # Currently the values in enum arrays at the indices below are sometimes # used for other purposes, so we return rather than fail for non-numeric values except ValueError: return if fv < fmin: raise AssertionError(util.err(sch_field_info, 'numeric value {} out of range', val)) if len(sch_field_info) > 5: try: fmax = float(sch_field_info[5]) except ValueError: return if fv > fmax: raise AssertionError(util.err(sch_field_info, 'numeric value {} out of range', val)) def _validate_schema(schema): """Validate the schema Validations performed: Values of default data (if any) Existence of dynamic modules Enums keyed by string value Args: schema (pkcollections.Dict): app schema """ sch_models = schema.model sch_enums = schema.enum sch_ntfy = schema.notifications sch_cookies = schema.cookies for name in sch_enums: for values in sch_enums[name]: if not isinstance(values[0], pkconfig.STRING_TYPES): raise AssertionError(util.err(name, 'enum values must be keyed by a string value: {}', type(values[0]))) for model_name in sch_models: sch_model = sch_models[model_name] for field_name in sch_model: sch_field_info = sch_model[field_name] if len(sch_field_info) <= 2: continue field_default = sch_field_info[2] if field_default == '' or field_default is None: continue _validate_enum(field_default, sch_field_info, sch_enums) _validate_number(field_default, sch_field_info) for n in sch_ntfy: if 'cookie' not in sch_ntfy[n] or sch_ntfy[n].cookie not in sch_cookies: raise AssertionError(util.err(sch_ntfy[n], 'notification must reference a cookie in the schema')) for sc in sch_cookies: _validate_cookie_def(sch_cookies[sc]) for type in schema.dynamicModules: for src in schema.dynamicModules[type]: pkresource.filename(src[1:]) _init()