Source code for sirepo.template.elegant_command_parser

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
u"""elegant command parser.

:copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 RadiaSoft LLC.  All Rights Reserved.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import re

from sirepo.template.line_parser import LineParser

_SKIP_COMMANDS = ['subprocess']

[docs]def parse_file(command_text): parser = LineParser(0) lines = command_text.replace('\r', '').split('\n') prev_line = '' commands = [] for line in lines: parser.increment_line_number() if'^#', line): continue line = re.sub(r'\!.*$', '', line) if not line: continue if'\&end', line): if not _parse_line(parser, prev_line + ' ' + line, commands): break prev_line = '' elif'\&', line) or len(prev_line): prev_line += ' ' + line else: # ignoring lines between command markers pass if prev_line and'\&', prev_line): parser.raise_error('missing &end for command: {}'.format(prev_line)) _update_lattice_names(commands) return commands
def _parse_array_value(parser): # read off the end of the array value list # parse values until a "&end" or "value =" is reached # # response[2] = %s.vhrm, %s.hvrm, # distribution_type[0] = "gaussian", "gaussian", # enforce_rms_values[0] = 1,1,1, # distribution_type[0] = gaussian, gaussian, hard-edge, # distribution_type[0] = 3*"gaussian", # distribution_cutoff[0] = 3*3, res = '' index = parser.get_index() while True: value = parser.parse_value() if value == '&end': parser.reset_index(index) break parser.ignore_whitespace() if parser.peek_char() == '=': parser.reset_index(index) break if value: res += value else: if parser.peek_char() == ',': parser.assert_char(',') res += ',' elif parser.peek_char() == '*': parser.assert_char('*') res += '*' else: parser.raise_error('expecting an array value') index = parser.get_index() if not res: parser.raise_error('missing array value') res = re.sub(r',$', '', res) return res def _parse_line(parser, line, commands): parser.set_line(line) parser.ignore_whitespace() parser.assert_char('&') command = { '_id': parser.next_id(), '_type': parser.parse_value(r'\s+'), } if command['_type'] == 'stop': return False parser.ignore_whitespace() while True: value = parser.parse_value() if not value: if parser.peek_char() == ',': parser.assert_char(',') continue parser.raise_error('expecting a command element') if value == '&end': break if parser.peek_char() == '=': parser.assert_char('=') if'\[', value): command[value] = _parse_array_value(parser) else: command[value] = parser.parse_value(r'[\s,=\!)]') else: parser.raise_error('trailing input: {}'.format(value)) parser.assert_end_of_line() if not command['_type'] in _SKIP_COMMANDS: commands.append(command) return True def _update_lattice_names(commands): # preserve the name of the first run_setup.lattic # others may map to previous save_lattice names is_first_run_setup = True save_lattices = [] for cmd in commands: if cmd['_type'] == 'save_lattice': name = re.sub(r'\%s', '', cmd['filename']) save_lattices.append(name) if cmd['_type'] == 'run_setup': if is_first_run_setup: is_first_run_setup = False continue for index in reversed(range(len(save_lattices))): if[index]), cmd['lattice'], re.IGNORECASE): cmd['lattice'] = 'save_lattice' if index == 0 else 'save_lattice{}'.format(index + 1) break else: cmd['lattice'] = 'Lattice'