Source code for sirepo.template.hellweg_dump_reader

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
u"""Hellweg dump parser.

:copyright: Copyright (c) 2017 RadiaSoft LLC.  All Rights Reserved.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import ctypes
import math

_LOSS_VALUES = ['live', 'radius_lost', 'phase_lost', 'bz_lost', 'br_lost', 'bth_lost', 'beta_lost', 'step_lost']
_STRUCTURE_VALUES = ['ksi', 'z', 'a', 'rp', 'alpha', 'sbeta', 'ra', 'rb', 'b_ext', 'num', 'e0', 'ereal', 'prf', 'pbeam', 'bbeta', 'wav', 'wmax', 'xb', 'yb', 'er', 'ex', 'ey', 'enr', 'enx', 'eny', 'e4d', 'e4dn', 'et', 'ent']
_We0 = 0.5110034e6

    'r': lambda p, lmb: abs(p.r * lmb),
    'th': lambda p, lmb: p.Th * 180.0 / math.pi,
    'x': lambda p, lmb: p.r * math.cos(p.Th) * lmb,
    'y': lambda p, lmb: p.r * math.sin(p.Th) * lmb,
    'br': lambda p, lmb: math.copysign(p.beta.r, p.r),
    'bth': lambda p, lmb:,
    'bx': lambda p, lmb: p.beta.r * math.cos(p.Th) - * math.sin(p.Th) * lmb,
    'by': lambda p, lmb: p.beta.r * math.sin(p.Th) + * math.cos(p.Th) * lmb,
    'bz': lambda p, lmb: p.beta.z,
    'ar': lambda p, lmb: math.atan2(p.beta.r, p.beta0),
    'ath': lambda p, lmb: math.atan2(, p.beta0),
    'ax': lambda p, lmb: math.atan2(p.beta.r * math.cos(p.Th) - * math.sin(p.Th) * lmb, p.beta.z),
    'ay': lambda p, lmb: math.atan2(p.beta.r * math.sin(p.Th) + * math.cos(p.Th) * lmb, p.beta.z),
    'az': lambda p, lmb: 0,
    'phi': lambda p, lmb: p.phi * 180.0 / math.pi,
    'zrel': lambda p, lmb: lmb * p.phi / (2 * math.pi),
    'z0': lambda p, lmb: p.z,
    'beta': lambda p, lmb: p.beta0,
    'w': lambda p, lmb: _velocity_to_mev(p.beta0),

    'z': lambda s: s.ksi * s.lmb,

    'wav': 'Average Energy',
    'wmax': 'Maximum Energy',
    'bbeta': 'Beam Velocity',
    'sbeta': 'Phase Velocity',
    'ra': 'Aperture',
    'rb': 'Beam Radius (rms)',
    'pbeam': 'Beam Power',
    'prf': 'RF Power',
    'e0': 'With Beam Load',
    'ereal': 'Without Beam Load',
    'er': 'Actual (rms)',
    'enr': 'Normalized (rms)',
    'ex': 'Actual (rms)',
    'enx': 'Normalized (rms)',
    'ey': 'Actual (rms)',
    'eny': 'Normalized (rms)',
    'e4d': 'Actual (rms)',
    'e4dn': 'Normalized (rms)',
    'et': 'Actual (rms)',
    'ent': 'Normalized (rms)',

    'wav': 'W [eV]',
    'sbeta': 'Beta',
    'rb': 'r [m]',
    'prf': 'P [W]',
    'e0': 'E, (MV/m)',
    'er': 'er [m]',
    'ex': 'ex [m]',
    'ey': 'ey [m]',
    'e4d': 'e4D [m]',
    'et': 'eth [m]',
    'z': 'z [m]',

    'r': 'r [m]',
    'th': 'theta [deg]',
    'x': 'x [m]',
    'y': 'y [m]',
    # 'br': '',
    # 'bth': '',
    # 'bx': '',
    # 'by': '',
    # 'bz': '',
    'ar': 'r\' [rad]',
    'ath': 'theta\' [rad]',
    'ax': 'x\' [rad]',
    'ay': 'y\' [rad]',
    # 'az': '',
    'phi': 'phi [deg]',
    # 'zrel': '',
    'z0': 'z [m]',
    # 'beta': '',
    'w': 'W [eV]',

# TDimension, TPivot and TFieldMap2D are used in future versions
# pointer fields are typed as c_int for TPivot and TFieldMap2D
[docs]class TDimension(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('Nx', ctypes.c_int), ('Ny', ctypes.c_int), ('Nz', ctypes.c_int)]
[docs]class TPivot(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('X', ctypes.c_int), ('Y', ctypes.c_int), ('Z', ctypes.c_int)]
[docs]class TFieldMap2D(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('Dim', TDimension), ('Piv', TPivot), ('Field', ctypes.c_int)]
[docs]class THeader(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('NPoints', ctypes.c_int), ('NParticles', ctypes.c_int)]
[docs]class TField(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('r', ctypes.c_double), ('th', ctypes.c_double), ('z', ctypes.c_double)]
[docs]class TStructure(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('ksi', ctypes.c_double), ('lmb', ctypes.c_double), ('P', ctypes.c_double), ('dF', ctypes.c_double), ('E', ctypes.c_double), ('AF', ctypes.c_double), ('Rp', ctypes.c_double), ('B', ctypes.c_double), ('alpha', ctypes.c_double), ('betta', ctypes.c_double), ('Ra', ctypes.c_double), ('Hext', TField), # Bmap replaces Hext in future versions #('Bmap', TFieldMap2D), ('jump', ctypes.c_bool), ('drift', ctypes.c_bool), ('CellNumber', ctypes.c_int)]
[docs]class TBeamHeader(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('beam_lmb', ctypes.c_double), ('beam_h', ctypes.c_double), ('beam_current', ctypes.c_double), ('input_current', ctypes.c_double)]
[docs]class TParticle(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('r', ctypes.c_double), ('Th', ctypes.c_double), ('beta', TField), ('phi', ctypes.c_double), ('z', ctypes.c_double), ('beta0', ctypes.c_double), ('lost', ctypes.c_int)]
[docs]def beam_header(filename): with open (filename, 'rb') as f: header = THeader() assert f.readinto(header) == ctypes.sizeof(header) return header
[docs]def beam_info(filename, idx): info = {} with open (filename, 'rb') as f: header = THeader() assert f.readinto(header) == ctypes.sizeof(header) info['Header'] = header structure = TStructure() size = ctypes.sizeof(structure) if idx > 0: * size, 1) assert f.readinto(structure) == size info['Structure'] = structure if idx < header.NPoints - 1: - idx - 1) * size, 1) beam_header = TBeamHeader() size = ctypes.sizeof(beam_header) + ctypes.sizeof(TParticle()) * header.NParticles if idx > 0: * size, 1) assert f.readinto(beam_header) == ctypes.sizeof(beam_header) info['BeamHeader'] = beam_header particles = [] for _ in xrange(header.NParticles): p = TParticle() assert f.readinto(p) == ctypes.sizeof(p) particles.append(p) info['Particles'] = particles # ensure the expected bytes are present if idx < header.NPoints - 1: - idx - 1) * (ctypes.sizeof(beam_header) + ctypes.sizeof(p) * header.NParticles), 1) assert f.readinto(header) == 0 return info
[docs]def get_label(field): return _PARTICLE_LABEL[field]
[docs]def get_parameter(info, field): fn = _STRUCTURE_PARAMETER[field] return fn(info['Structure'])
[docs]def get_parameter_label(field): return _STRUCTURE_LABEL[field]
[docs]def get_parameter_title(field): return _STRUCTURE_TITLE[field]
[docs]def get_points(info, field): res = [] fn = _BEAM_PARAMETER[field] lmb = info['BeamHeader'].beam_lmb for p in info['Particles']: if p.lost == _LIVE_PARTICLE: res.append(fn(p, lmb)) return res
[docs]def parameter_index(name): return _STRUCTURE_VALUES.index(name)
[docs]def particle_info(filename, field, count): info = {} with open (filename, 'rb') as f: header = THeader() assert f.readinto(header) == ctypes.sizeof(header) info['Header'] = header if count > header.NPoints: count = header.NPoints z_values = [] yfn = _BEAM_PARAMETER[field] zfn = _STRUCTURE_PARAMETER['z'] for _ in xrange(header.NPoints): structure = TStructure() assert f.readinto(structure) == ctypes.sizeof(structure) z_values.append(zfn(structure)) info['z_values'] = z_values beam_header_size = ctypes.sizeof(TBeamHeader()) particle_size = ctypes.sizeof(TParticle()) y_map = {} indices = [] for i in xrange(count): idx = int(round((i * header.NParticles) / count)) y_map[idx] = [] indices.append(idx) y_range = None for _ in xrange(header.NPoints): beam_header = TBeamHeader() assert f.readinto(beam_header) == beam_header_size lmb = beam_header.beam_lmb pi = 0 for idx in indices: assert idx >= pi if idx > pi: - pi) * particle_size, 1) p = TParticle() assert f.readinto(p) == particle_size if p.lost == _LIVE_PARTICLE: v = yfn(p, lmb) y_map[idx].append(v) if y_range: if v < y_range[0]: y_range[0] = v elif v > y_range[1]: y_range[1] = v else: y_range = [v, v] pi = idx + 1 if pi < header.NParticles: - pi) * particle_size, 1) assert f.readinto(header) == 0 y_values = [] for idx in sorted(y_map.keys()): y_values.append(y_map[idx]) info['y_values'] = y_values info['y_range'] = y_range return info
def _gamma_to_mev(g): return _We0 * (g - 1) * 1e-6 def _velocity_to_energy(b): return 1 / math.sqrt(1 - b ** 2) def _velocity_to_mev(b): return _gamma_to_mev(_velocity_to_energy(b))